We are excited to offer one VIRTUAL option for EQIT starting in February 2023. It will be 16 Wednesday nights from 630 - 930p. To register, please click here.
I invite you to join us for an information meeting regarding the Emerging and Expanding grant for new or expanding programs. On Monday the 6th at 1:00 pm. Zoom Link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89761022055?pwd=MUlwcDhodlhTczFqL29TaU96TWhLUT09 Join us to see if this is an opportunity that you would like to partake in...
I am inviting you join us for an information meeting regarding the Emerging and Expanding grant for new or expanding programs. And Wednesday night the 8th at 6:30pm. Zoom Link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86563061441?pwd=SHhqWFY1ek9GaGpLdEJEVk9odGR6Zz09 Join us to see if this is an opportunity that you would like to partake in...
The Jefferson County Child Care Association (JCCCA) would like to invite you to join us on Saturday, March 4, 2023 for a day of camaraderie, networking, learning, and fun at the “What It Takes!” conference. The conference is open to anyone who is involved in...
"2022 Tax Returns for Family Child Care Businesses: Making sense of income, deductions, record keeping and changes" We will go over tax year changes on the federal and Colorado level. Briefly go through what taxable income is and expense categories for child care returns. Presented...
Required for licensing. This training will provide an overview of best practices when handling medication including administration of routine medications, Epi-Pen training, medication orders, documentation, and rights and responsibilities. Due to course requirements, this course is limited to a maximum number '9' participants and to...