Funding Supports for Families and Child Care Providers

Colorado Shines Quality Improvement Grant

To apply for CSQI funding:

  1.  Log into Colorado Shines Portal
  2. Click on Apply for QI Funds
  3. Complete the application
  4. Create a QIP goal
  5. Complete the level indicators
  6. Complete the TSQI/ESQI section
  7. Click SAVE
  8. Then click on the application summary to the left
  9. Then scroll up a little, then click apply & submit

After this is done, we are notified and a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) will be sent from the Quality Improvement Program Coordinator.  After the MOU is signed, the following steps need to be completed:

  1. Log into the Provider Hub
  2. Click on the “Sign MOU” button
  3. Then click on the “Sign MOU” button
  4. Click each of the boxes
  5. Then click on the signature box at the bottom.
  6. Sign the MOU and hit submit.

If you have any questions or need support with the application, please call 303-914-6584.

Jefferson, Clear Creek and Gilpin County UPK info hereLearn More