UPDATE: WIC Benefits In Potential Government Shutdown

UPDATE: WIC Benefits In Potential Government Shutdown

With the increased potential of a government shutdown less than a week away, it’s important for WIC participants to understand what changes you can expect to see on benefits, as well as any actions clients should take now:

• If the government does shut down, starting Sunday, Oct. 1, 2023, WIC benefits can’t be used until the shutdown has ended.

• It’s important that clients use any remaining September WIC benefits by this Saturday, Sept. 30, 2023.

• If interested in enrolling in WIC, please contact your WIC department so that if eligible, they can work to try to get you Sept. benefits to use by 9/30, ahead of a potential shutdown.

• Keep your WIC appointments and meet other WIC program requirements during the shutdown to ensure immediate access to your WIC benefits once the shutdown ends.

• Use other local food assistance resources such as:

– Hunger Free Colorado’s Food Resource Hotline: https://hungerfreecolorado.org/find-food/. All caller information is confidential and services are available in 150+ languages.

– 211: https://search.211colorado.org/search?terms=food%20pantries&page=1&location=colorado&service_area=colorado

For more information, please reach out to Jefferson County WIC team: bit.ly/JeffcoWIC or visit Colorado WIC’s website at:https://www.coloradowic.gov/alerts/2023-09-27/update-wic-benefits-during-potential-government-shutdown 

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