Annual Champion for Children’s Breakfast: Virtual Recognition

Annual Champion for Children’s Breakfast: Virtual Recognition

Triad, the Early Childhood Council of Clear Creek, Gilpin, and Jefferson Counties, presents our Annual Children’s Champion Awards.

You are invited to join service providers, policy makers, and community members in learning more about the state of well-being for our young children, collaborative efforts to improve services and outcomes for children, and honoring those who have made significant contributions to improving the lives of young children and their families.

Featured Speaker:

 Scott Groginsky, Colorado Governor Jared Polis’ Special Advisor for Early Childhood

Date:               June 2, 2020

Time:               7:30 AM – 9:00 AM


Meeting number:  197 093 307

Password:  ukFJ3XPB2E3

Host key:  837113

Alternate host:  Pat Bolton

More ways to join

Join by video system


You can also dial and enter your meeting number.

Join by phone

+1-720-650-7664 United States Toll (Denver)

+1-720-650-7664 United States Toll (Denver)

Access code: 197 093 307

Triad ECC Triennial Conference - April 19th and April 20th!Register Now!